Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Gas Hydrates in the North Makassar Basin, Indonesia, by B.A. Jackson; #90035 (2004)

Gas Hydrates in the North Makassar Basin, Indonesia, by B.A. Jackson; #90035 (2004)

Salah satu future energy ternyata ada juga di Indonesia. Hydrates ini mungkin akan menjadi energi carbon masa depan. Namun karena masih carbon based barangkali akan menuai protes atau mengalami kendala dengan karbon emisi.

Tapi jangan sampai lupa lah ... bahwa Indonesia juga punya potensi sumber daya energi yg belum tergali.

Brapa jumlah cadanganya ?
Estimations of gas hydrate sourced methane depend on the areal extent, reservoir thickness and porosity, gas hydrate saturation and a hydrate gas yield volumetric factor that defines how gas hydrate converts to gas at standard pressure and temperature. A commonly used value for the hydrate gas yield volumetric factor is 164m3 of gas for every 1m3 of gas hydrate, assuming a 90% gas-filled hydrate lattice. A gas in place estimate was computed for the area encompassing ~8000 km2 contiguous BSR within the West Sulawesi Fold Belt. An estimated 40% gas hydrate saturation was used for this study based on a compromise between the very low pore space saturations of around 5-6% in the Blake Ridge to the high saturation of 80% established for the Nankai Trough. Using a porosity of 36% and a gas hydrate saturation of 40% of pore space, a 10m thick reservoir resulted in an estimated gas in place of 1.89 trillion m3 (67 TCF) at standard pressure and temperature.
Lumayan kan ?


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